“CENCI” or Love Knots

receta cenci. Repostería italiana. Nudos de Amor.

This “deliziosa” Italian recipe is usually tasted during Carnival. Its word means in English: “rags” since its uneven shape reminds of this object. It is also called “Nudos de Amor”, which is much more poetic. It is ideal to accompany a good coffee in good company…

Ingredients:(for 6 people)- Preparation: 30 minutes – Rest of the dough: 4 hours

  • 300g of Flour
  • 3 Eggs
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 30g soft butter
  • 100g of powdered sugar
  • Sweaning oil and a deep skillet
  • Sothing icing (for decoration- optional a little cinnamon powder)

cenci. receta italiana de repostería.

Sift the flour on a work plan. Form a small volcano and in the center put the eggs and the softened butter (room temperature), the salt and mix everything well by working the dough with your hands until it is smooth and elastic and comes off well from your fingers. When the dough is ready, form a ball, cover it with a sheet of cling film and let it rest for 4 hours in the refrigerator. It can be prepared the day before.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible and proceed to cut long parallel strips approximately two fingers thick. Once this is done, proceed to cut irregularly crosswise strips about 6-7 cm long. The question is that it is like badly cut pieces (this is the grace of the ricetta…!).

Heat a frying pan with oil and when it is very hot start frying the “cenci” until they are golden brown, remove them and place them on a plate with absorbent paper. Do not fry too many at once so that they do not stick together. Sprinkle a little powdered sugar on each layer.

That’s enough! Cosí si fa! It remains to make a good “café alla italiana”! and enjoy your knot of love!

Ciao Belli!

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