Especialistes en reformes d’interiors


Si ha arribat el moment de fer un canvi a casa teva, explica’ns la teva idea i junts la portarem a terme.

A Studio Gatto som especialistes en reforma d´interiors. Fa tres dècades que equipem casa teva amb materials de qualitat acompanyats d’un gran equip de professionals al sector.

Realitzem un projecte d’acord amb totes les tendències actuals tenint en compte tant els aspectes tècnics i funcionals com els de disseny.

Una reforma en 360 º. Despreocupa’t de tot. Des del començament fins a la finalització de les feines, com a client tindràs un responsable que et garanteix un servei professional ia mida de les teves necessitats.

Vine a visitar-nos i comprova que és tal com t’ho expliquem.





Les cuines INKO, no només per adaptar-se als gustos i necessitats dels usuaris sinó que estan fabricades per allargar la seva vida útil i funcional durant molt de temps

Cada cuina INKO concebuda i produïda seguint els estàndards de qualitat més grans del mercat; i que totes i cadascuna de les matèries primeres, components i processos de fabricació estan pensats per oferir una experiència dús especial i única.

Descobreix l’univers Inko

Cuines italianes Aran

Aran Cucine ofereix una àmplia varietat de cuines, que es poden classificar en dos estils principals: modern i clàssic. Les cuines modernes d’Aran Cucine es caracteritzen per les línies netes i senzilles, mentre que les cuines clàssiques presenten un estil més tradicional.

Descobreix Aran

Cuines per al teu jardí

És l’hora de passar-ho superbé!! A Studio Gatto tenim moltes solucions perquè el teu jardí pugui esdevenir la sala de reunions preferida de les teves amistats. Tot tipus de cuines amb exterior. A gaudir!

L’aixeta que ho fa tot

Un sistema Quooker a la cuina és sinònim de comoditat: proporciona aigua bullint a 100°C, refrigerada amb i sense gas directament des d’una única aixeta, tota filtrada.





Pilar SardiPilar Sardi
18:31 14 May 24
Excellent service from start to finish, the great protagonist of my home will be its excellent island.... wonderful in their treatment and in their help and support at all times.
Xavier ExpositoXavier Exposito
07:25 07 May 24
Very happy with the complete renovation of the kitchen.Great professionals meeting both deadlines and expectations. Highly recommended
Silvia PiquerasSilvia Piqueras
16:08 22 Apr 24
A great team of professionals. The project has been designed down to the last detail. The space to be renovated was complicated by the characteristics of the architecture of the house since it is an irregular floor plan. The greatest use of spaces has always been sought. The entire team that has participated is excellent
Montse CarrilloMontse Carrillo
10:27 19 Apr 24
Excellent professionals. Extraordinary designs and rigorous compliance with deadlines. Totally recommended. Friendly and attentive treatment at all times. And since a picture is worth a thousand words
J “Family” P-LCJ “Family” P-LC
17:04 21 Mar 24
Excellent professionals. They are 100% recommended. After an impeccable job at home, if necessary I would not hesitate to count on them again.
Matt StoneMatt Stone
12:10 20 Feb 24
My husband and I are American and in the USA we have remodeled over 20 homes. We bought our first property in Spain last year and it needed a full remodeled. We had no contacts and had no idea what we were getting in to. We met with a lot of builders and on a Saturday we walked into Studio Gatto without an appointment to see their kitchens. We immediately had great feelings about Sonia and Ixai. They understood what we wanted and created digital renderings that even further proved that. But still, it is unnerving trusting anyone with your remodel while you are thousands of miles away in the USA. Along the way Ixai provided us photos, videos and calls keeping us updated. When we returned to Spain last week to see the finished project we were so happy! Sonia and Ixai are a dream team together. Sonia understands the visuals and design. Ixai understands the mechanics and construction. We could not be happier with the finished result!
They are very good professionals, their treatment of clients is impeccable and they provide solutions and ideas, total trust, my experience spans many years and I always feel well cared for.
Customer service a 10
Ines LopezInes Lopez
14:21 07 Jul 21
Many thanks to Studio Gatto for the reform of my kitchen, it has been beautiful. My congratulations to the entire team from design, execution and direction, it has been an impeccable job. There are no problems, there are solutions. All coordinated has been a very good experience. Highly recommended.
andré saillourandré saillour
08:57 04 Jun 21
We were well advised and the result has lived up to our expectations.
Rafel PicasRafel Picas
22:04 16 Apr 21
We needed a quick and easy remodel of a second-hand apartment. From the first moment we received close attention from Studio Gatto, emphasizing the desire to ensure that our work is as good as possible within our possibilities. Contributing ideas that improved ours. The value for money has been very good and whenever any unforeseen circumstances have arisen the response has been immediate and enthusiastic. In the end, we live in the apartment, the deadlines and the prices have remained the same. We can only thank Studio Gatto for so much work well done. We definitely recommend the professionalism and good taste of the management of Studio Gatto.

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Delicioses receptes italianes
