Buongiorno a tutti!

Here is a recipe more much appreciated in the family! The “Spaghettis alle vongole” (SPAGHETTI WITH CLAMS) in the style of Nonno Luigi! a simple and very seafood dish… a childhood dish I ate in Italy!

Ingredients(4 pax):

  • 500g of Spaghetti (Normal Size)
  • almes (in Catalonia the Tallarina or petxina)+ prawns
  • 1 chilli (or more for spicy lovers)”peperoncino”
  • 2 natural ripe tomatoes or some cherrys
  • 1/2 glass of white wine
  • olive oil(of the good!)
  • sal and pepper
  • fresco parsley

Take a large pot with plenty of boiling water, add a good handful of salt and bring it to a boil to add the spaghetti. spaghetti-boiling3

While the water is boiling, we put in a pan a little olive oil and fry a few cloves of garlic to leave the taste with a chili “peperoncino” as I call them …. I like to remove the garlic when they are golden brown, it is just to give aroma to the oil. Fry the prawns for a few minutes with the clams. Add the grated natural tomatoes or a few cherrys. Once opened the clams go leaving his water with “delizioso sapore di mare”. Once everything is sautéed, add the glass of white wine and let it evaporate a little together with the rest. Add salt to taste. The pepper is optional since we have used a little chili pepper. If you do not like spicy you can eliminate the chilli but a little spicy “nella vita” is not bad…!

At this point let’s not forget our boiling water to cook the spaghetti. The good thing is that they are done while we finish our marinara mixture because as it goes quite fast the important thing is to pour the spaghetti just done. Once our mixture has all the “sapore”, add the spaghetti al dente “sicuro”!! and sauté it all together for a few minutes so that the spaghetti gets all the flavor. Now it is “thin”, you can serve it ! If you want you can add fresh chopped parsley just when you serve it!

“Tutti a tavola! Good appetite!




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