En esta reforma se ha hecho cambio de pavimento. Se ha quitado azulejo en paredes. Se optó por aplicar pintura especial satinada de fácil mantenimiento. Las zonas de cocina y fregadero se han revestido de DEKTON COLOR NALYA con vetas tipo amarmolado que resiste calor y rayado a la perfección.

The ceiling had wooden beams that were also removed. In their place, LED light bulbs were installed, which consume very little energy and illuminate.

The colors of the general light is white light that mimics daylight. The recessed lights under the wall units that illuminate the work surface are warm LEDs.

The kitchen furniture is the INKO brand, color URBAN MX in matte stratified.

The distribution has been improved, making storage more efficient.

The result is a brighter and more modern look.


Here you can see the before and after of some of the elements.

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